Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hellz Yes

Grilled Cheese sandwich with caramel spread on top?

Thanks Host Mom!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Death By Food

Today was my first day at orientation with the other exchange students in the program. I felt like a popular girl! I fluttered from group to group and people received me well! Even girls! Normally, I have the hardest time conversing with girls and relating to them.

There are people from many countries and states. One boy came form Mexico which surprised me. I really enjoyed talking with the boys from Japan. They spoke so little Spanish and there accents were very thick but adorable.

I started signing up for classes. I think my favorite will be ethno-cultural-linguistics. Another class I will take is Art of Quito. We will visit various art museums. I am muy excited to learn more about the artist Guyasamin, Ecuador's most famous. Look him up if you want to see some hauntingly beautiful paintings. The art class is taught my a famous Ecuadorian writer/cook, or so says my adviser. I guess he acts a bit like a diva which makes the class slightly difficult.

The most exciting part of the day was visiting the biology department. In a recent National Geographic there was an article about rare frogs and efforts to classify them before they go extinct as well as preserve their habitat. Many of the photos were credited to PUCE (my university here). We actually got to see tons of these rare frogs. Some were highly venomous but beautiful and others were just plain ugly and safe. There were also many dead specimens :( all the same, I was perhaps a bit too excited to see all the frogs. Somedays, I think perhaps I should have stuck with biology...

Finally, to address the title of today's blog. I was also pleased today not to have my host mother near by to force feed me lunch. HA! School is going to be amazing, not only to learn but also to eat smaller portions. My host mother tries to feed me a 5 course lunch and then still expects me to eat a 3 course dinner... I would real rather not have to be rolled onto the plane when I leave Ecuador so this new opportunity to manage my own nutrition is more than welcome.

Well, that is all my darlings.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

First Post

You all asked, and I am delivering (to the best of my ability). Here I am in Ecuador. The plane ride was my favourite ever. I was seated next to a French woman who spoke not a shred of either Spanish or English. Since the extent of my French is saying, "Your mom is on the table" I was quite helpless to communicate. BUT... communicate we did. We used elaborate hand motions and one word explanations. I was able to explain to her that the masks the flight attendants passed out were for swine flu (in case you were wondering, "gripe porcine" in one way to say it in French).

When I arrived in Quito, my family had a huge banner saying "Welcome Maren" as well as a large balloon that said "Welcome Home" in English and was very American themed. Since then, they have been amazing to me. I love my host family! I already feel way more welcomed than I ever did in Chile.

Yesterday we went to see a giant statue of the virgin mary called "Virgin del Panecillo". It was pretty impressive.

I am frustrated that I am not able to communicate everything. I know I am doing much better than my first week in Chile but I am impatient. I want perfection now!

So there you have it darlings, my first blog form Ecuador.

Besitos para todos!